08 February, 2015

I’m Autistic, And Believe Me, It’s A Lot Better Than Measles — The Archipelago — Medium

I’m Autistic, And Believe Me, It’s A Lot Better Than Measles — The Archipelago — Medium: No matter what other lofty ideas of toxins and vaccine-related injury anti-vaxxers try to float around in their defense, that’s really what all of this is about: we’re facing a massive public health crisis because a disturbing number of people believe that autism is worse than illness or death. My neurology is the boogeyman behind a completely preventable plague in the making.

The anti-vaccination movement is a particularly bitter issue for me because it doesn’t just dehumanize me as an autistic person; it also sets off two of my biggest triggers. Like many people on the spectrum, I don’t handle it well when people are 1) wrong, and 2) unfair.